Yes! There is a silver lining to the current pandemic- brain fog and fatigue are being talked about!

Doctors are recognizing these symptoms in what we now call Covid long-haulers. Some people get better after having this virus, but a small percentage of folks seem to have symptoms that persist. They complain of poor memory, inability to get motivated, and feeling fatigued.

Chronic pain patients have long recognized and lived with this constellation of symptoms.

Unfortunately, though, many have been referred for mental health evaluations. Doctors shy away from patient with vague complaints like this because they really aren’t sure how to get to the root cause of the issue and help patients feel better. I don’t blame them; as a chronic pain professional, I know how hard it is to help people. It takes time, and patience, and a lot of detective work to figure out triggers. Sometime I feel like I should change the name of my profession from nutritionist to food and symptom detective!

The good news is, people are now recognizing and realizing that chronic pain, brain fog, and fatigue are real medical problems that require treatment. In fact, several centers across the world are opening to help treat these Covid long-haulers, who have symptoms very similar to those who suffer from Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS), Fibromyalgia, and Ehlers Danlos Syndrome. Some people are even developing mast cell issues post-Covid infections. In New York, Mount Sinai Medical Center opened a Covid center to help patients with these symptoms. I noticed, however, that these centers, while seemingly multi-disciplinary, do not include nutrition.

So what is a Covid long-hauler to do if they want to address nutrition? Consult with a registered dietitian nutritionist who is knowledgable in this constellation of symptoms.

In the meantime, follow these tips:

  • Be sure to drink enough fluids and electrolytes each day
  • Listen to your body! If you need to rest or nap, give in to it
  • Eat a nutrient-dense diet filled with lots of veggies and fruits. Reduce your intake of sugary items that do not offer much nutrition
  • Check for vitamin or mineral deficiencies and supplement accordingly

If you would like a complimentary appointment to discuss your nutrition needs, click HERE to book a phone call with me. I hope we all continue to stay healthy and well during this pandemic, and that the end is in sight soon!