Are you panicked over the Ranitidine / Zantac recall? Many Ehlers Danlos Syndrome and Mast Cell Disease patients rely heavily on this and other H2 blockers. As these drugs are being taken off the market, alternatives are desperately needed. This nutritionist has got your covered; read on!

For years, I have been telling my patients there is a very safe, natural alternative to taking H2 blockers. I first discovered this secret years ago, when my son had severe laryngeo-pharyngeal reflux (LPR), which is a fancy medical term for reflux so bad in travels all the way up to the vocal chords and causes a hoarse voice. He was given PPIs and H2 blockers, which didn’t help. So the doctor increased his doses to DOUBLE an adult dose. What happened? He was still refluxing, and, even worse, his body was reacting to the acid lowering meds by increasing production of acid!
So, being the mother I am, I buried myself in research. I found out this tiny little secret- in Europe, several studies had been conducted on using Sodium Alginate in infants with reflux (click HERE to view one such study). These studies suggested that Alginate was effective in treating reflux. Furthermore, in persistent cases, it is believed that reflux can be gas, not just liquid. When gas refluxes, there is very little to stop it. That is where Alginate really shines.
Sodium Alginate is an extract of seaweed that, when combined with the liquid in your stomach, will form a gelatinous layer that floats to the top of the stomach, forming a physical barrier so that neither gas nor liquid can reflux and cause symptoms. Some researchers believe the hard-to-treat refluxers are actually refluxing gas, not liquid.
This was a game-changer for my son. After 2 weeks, his hoarse voice was gone, and his symptoms resolved. His hyper secretion of acid went back to normal as he was no longer on a PPI or H2 blocker. Essentially, his reflux was cured.
Some things to know:
- Sodium Alginate should always be taken with a full glass of water.
- It is usually taken twice a day
- Pay attention when buying it online- you want capsules, not loose powder.
- It cannot be found in local stores- I have no idea why no one knows about this amazing product!
For a complimentary personalized prescription from me for Sodium Alginate Capsules including dosage and timing, click HERE.