How to get more organic fruits and veggies for your money so you can reduce symptoms of Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Mast Cell Disease, and POTS.

DISCLAIMER! I have not been sponsored, paid, or endorsed by Misfits Market. I simply think they can be a useful tool in your nutritional journey and hope that this can help you!
As many of my clients are already aware, there is a huge difference between organic and conventional produce/products. For those who may not know, the difference between organic and conventional products is due to the way a fruit or vegetable is farmed, or how an animal was raised before consumption. Conventional produce can be created with the use of synthetic fertilizers, synesthetic pesticides, genetic engineering (GMO), antibiotics, and growth hormones, all with the intention of producing a more visually appealing product. Organic produce must be certified by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and meet their strict standards of the organic certification program. While smaller local farmers may be exempt from going through the certification process due to their small scale of business, they can still market their products as organic but may not use the official USDA seal, so when in doubt look for the USDA certified organic seal when shopping for organic products in store.
While conventional food may appear larger or more perfect in appearance, it is important to remember that that bigger is not always better. It is tempting to purchase prettier produce since there is a lower cost for these goods compared to the often marginally higher prices of organic products. Some people mast cell disease may react to additives or chemicals in foods, so knowing what is used to produce foods is more important than how symmetrical and pretty a food looks. We already spend so much money on food that it can be difficult to make the decision between organic and conventional products without breaking the bank, there is a great solution, so read on!
Thanks to a company called Misfits Market, you can now order organic products directly to your doorstep! Misfits Market has developed a system in which they rescue foods that are perfectly edible and organic but were declined by stores due to cosmetic reasons such as being too large, too small, or simply having an odd shape, having superficial differences. The company is offering a solution to “the ugly problem” our country is facing. Since grocery stores refuse to buy products that are “misfits”, nearly half of the USA’s farmed food is thrown out. Misfits Market rescues perfectly edible and high-quality organic produce which are sustainably and responsibly sourced directly from farmers and delivers it directly to your door. They have other products as well- not only fruits and veggies! The produce delivered from Misfits Market tends to be fresher than those from a grocery store since they eliminate the middleman, which means you get more vitamins in your veggies, since each day after harvest items lose their micronutrients!
By working directly with farmers, Misfit Markets is able to sell their organic products at a much more reasonable price. Customers typically pay up to 40% less (even sometimes more) compared to buying the same goods at traditional grocery store prices! Since the company goals are truly to fix our broken food system, help end food-insecurity and create a more sustainable future, they offer membership for free with no fees or required commitments to purchase. Misfits Market‘s delivery boxes are fully customizable and can even be delivered on a weekly basis, allowing you to shop when you need and to not overspend on curated boxes with unwanted items like other delivery services. This is especially helpful for those with food allergies or intolerances. Misfits Market saves you not only a trip to the grocery store, but money in your wallet all while providing you with nutritious, sustainably and responsibly sourced organic products for an affordable price! Help your wallet, the environment, and your health by giving Misfits Market a try today and use code COOKWME-LY4 for $10 off your first order!