A low histamine diet consists of eliminating foods that are either high in histamines or provoke a histamine response the body. Histamine is, in medical terminology, a biogenic amine. This means it can cause mast cells to release chemicals that will result in the following symptoms:
- Hives
- Itchiness
- Swelling
- Flushing
- Congestion
- Gastrointestinal issues
- Headaches
- Irregular heartbeat
- Low blood pressure
- Trouble breathing
- Anaphylaxis
DAO (diamine oxidase) is the main enzyme for metabolizing histamine. Some foods can also inhibit this enzyme, which can lead to more circulating histamine in the body. Higher blood histamine levels will elicit the symptoms mentioned above.
So who needs a low histamine diet? Those who are diagnosed with Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS), Mastocytosis, and those who suspect they might be suffering from histamine intolerance. It is important to note that unlike an IgE-mediated allergy, where even a small amount ingested can cause a reaction, with mast cell disease and histamine intolerance, the amount of histamine ingested and/or generated is important in determining if a reaction will occur and how severe it will be.
And, guys, this is where implementing the diet can get tricky; not every person will react to the same foods! The Swiss Interest Group Histamine Intolerance (SIGHI) has put together a comprehensive list of foods to avoid which are high in histamine and foods that are histamine liberators, meaning they provoke the body to release histamine. The list can be found HERE and it is considered a good place to start. However, a skilled registered dietitian is necessary to help you eliminate foods and then reintroduce them, looking for patterns to identify your individualized triggers.
Why the need to be monitored by a health professional? Because it is important not to limit yourself to only a few safe foods. A registered dietitian specializing in a low-histamine diet can make sure you are not compromising your nutrient intake. If you have a mast cell disease and want to trial a low histamine diet, click HERE to grab your complimentary meal plan.
Click HERE to watch me speak more about nutrition and how to eat to reduce symptoms of mast cell disease and mastocytosis.