During Covid lockdown, I introduced you to my first indoor hydroponic system, the Lettuce Grow. It has been a couple of years, and I couldn’t resist the Black Friday special for this latest addition to my gardening room, the Gardyn 3.0!
Growing your own veggies and greens is a great way to get the most nutrient-dense versions for two reasons. First, you are in control of adding the nutrients! Second, you can harvest and eat the very same minute without leaving time for vitamins and minerals to be lost. Also, with indoor hydroponic systems in particular, you can grow everything without the risk of harmful chemicals or pesticides. I love my Lettuce Grow system, but when I saw the Gardyn 3.0, I was drooling! It takes up even less space than the LG, and just seems more sleek and elegant, like a piece of decor. You can grow 30 plants at a time with the Gardyn 3.0– it is capped out at this and you cannot get a smaller version like you can with the LG, but honestly, it is good to have more slots because you can choose to place a cap on top and utilize a germination rotation so you will always have fresh lettuce and veggies to use, which I prefer. While the LG can be used with or without grow lights so you can place it outdoors, the Gardyn 3.0 is designed for indoor hydroponic gardening only. In my current cold climate, I appreciate this, but even in the summer, I find it hard to garden outdoors with the heat and the bug management. For people with limited physical abilities, this system is so much better! The biggest physical difference I saw right off the bat is the placement of the water tank opening- it sits right on top an you can use a kitchen pitcher to fill it, compared to the LG which I had to lug a hose from outside through my door to fill.
Setting up my Gardyn 3.0 was quick and easy- I actually did it all by myself in under 1 hour. The parts are very lightweight so it was not strenuous at all. I had to attach the 3 growing tubes to the base, add on the lights, connect the system to a power outlet, add water to the reservoir, and then inserted the Gardyn Pods plants that came with my order (I chose not to add all at once, as I like have a rotation of veggies ready to harvest. The pod contains seeds already, so you literally just pop them in. The nice thing about them compared to my LG is that they contain the roots better, so the monthly cleanings will be a lot easier on me.
Once it was all setup, I opened the Gardyn app on my phone and it pretty much told me what to do next. This app has both a free and a paid version, and makes it easy to monitor your plants and adjust the settings to ensure that each plant is getting the proper amount of light and nutrients. The app seems to know what needs to be done for the lights and watering, and I didn’t have to do a thing, at least while I am in the germination phase. Plant food is also included with your purchase, but that does not get added until seeds have sprouted. Apparently I will be receiving alerts when it is time to refill the water or add nutrients, so I can be sure that my plants are always thriving and guesswork is avoided. There are two built-in cameras on the grow lights, which take time-lapsed photos of your plants and also use AI to identify any issues your growing plants are having. How cool is that technology?? I can’t wait to see my veggies sprout and give you guys updates on my progress with this more high-tech hydroponic garden.
If you want to incorporate more fresh greens and veggies into your life with minimal work, I can’t recommend this grow system enough! Invest in Gardyn 3.0 today to enjoy the benefits of fresh, homegrown produce all year round. Click HERE to get 20% off your own Gardyn 3.0.