I love fresh herbs and fresh veggies, and I have tried my hand at outdoor gardening in the past, but the upkeep was hard! At the beginning of quarantine, an advertisement popped up in feed for the Click and Grow Garden. I was immediately intrigued. I thought it would be an excellent activity for me to do with my kids, so I hit the order button.
Guys, this garden is a life changer! You literally just plug it in, plunk down your soil-free pod, and watch it grow! This product lived up to its name. The LED lights grow your plants without any need for real sunshine- you can stick it in a closet if you like. I wanted to use the 9 pods for herbs to have on my countertop, but it came with some lettuce pods, so I planted those as well. Just 30 days after planting, my family and I were able to eat the fruits of our labor (if you could even call it that!). With the lettuce harvested, I have now planted fresh mint and some wild strawberries, which the kids are super excited for. Apparently you have to “paint” the pollen on the flowers of the strawberry plant, so that will be a fun homeschool science event.
I wasn’t supposed to harvest the basil yet (they are supposed to get bigger before doing so) but I could not help myself as we were having a family pizza night, and I made some margarita pizza using some basil leaves. It was great!
Anyone with a chronic illness does not want extra work. This garden literally does the work for you. Whether you have Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, you will find this gardening a piece of cake. If you have Mast Cell Disease, you can grow the veggies or herbs that you tolerate. This little item has a water reservoir that gets filled once a month, which is about as much work as you have to put into your plants. You can check it out HERE. I am so excited to have all my herbs on my countertop to snip and use as needed.
** I bought this product myself and received no compensation for this review. I just love my patients and love finding products that can make daily living easier.