Normally I focus on Mast Cell Disease and Chronic Pain Nutrition. Right now, I know my followers have many unanswered questions about how to eat well during this epidemic.

These are unprecedented times. We are sheltering in place, unable to digest the tragedy that is unfolding across the globe. To those that are sick, I pray for a full recovery. For those worried about getting sick, I implore you to stay home and wash your hands frequently- these two actions are your best defense.
There is a lot of information that is being distributed on social media platforms about how to protect yourself. Anything that is not directly from the CDC, FDA, or WHO should not be considered reputable without fully researching what the information is based on.
Can nutrition prevent you from getting Covid-19? To be honest, no. However, if you do contract the virus, you want to make sure your immune system has all the vital nutrients it needs to work properly. This is not something that happens overnight- good nutrition over a period of time will keep your immune system robust. Eating nutrient dense foods will give your body the tools it needs to do this.
To that end, I want to help support our community, so I am offering a complimentary 7 day immune-boosting meal plan, which you can save by clicking on the “download” button below. The first pdf is the 7 day meal plan with recipes and a shopping list. The second is the daily guide. Please be sure to download both.
Click HERE to see the FDA guidelines regarding food safety during this pandemic.
Professor Elizabeth Andress, a food safety expert, talks about how to safely order takeout food right now. You can view her Q&A HERE
Stay Safe & Stay Home!